AWNPipe is a new kind of ADOS device. It's functions can be accessed from almost any program including C, E, Assembler, Arexx, and simple ADOS scripts. AWNP has many uses but the most popular is the creation of Graphical User Interfaces. Other functions include clipboard support, tooltype access, pattern matching, Html conversion, data stream twinning, ...
Programmers will find that GUI development is VERY fast using AWNP and testing various layouts is as easy as editing a text file.
Programs written using AWNP present the user with a GUI that is easy to use and consistent in form. The ease of adding menus, Arexx hosts, help information and images encourages authors to add more of the 'Nice' features to their programs.
AWNPipe can be freely distributed in the form of this archive, complete and unmodified.
The operational parts (AWNPipe-handler and AWNPipe) may be included in the distribution of programs using AWNPipe if the followinfg three condidtions are met.
1. The distribution contains an install script and the AWNPipe files are handled as follows (NOTE the use of 'copylib' for awnpipe-handler).
(source "device/awnpipe-handler")
(dest "l:")
(prompt "Installing AWNPipe-handler")
(dest "Devs:dosdrivers")
(source "device/awnpipe")
(prompt "Installing AWNPipe")
(working ("Activating AWNPipe:"))
(run "C:assign AWNPipe: dismount")
(run "C:mount AWNPipe:")
2. The docs mention the use of AWNP and the version number of AWNPipe in the distribution.
3. The AWNPipe author is notified, .
This software is CHILDWARE. I require whoever uses this program to make a donation to a beneficial organization working to help children. If you don't know of any, ask at your local post office and learn how to make a payment to UNICEF. The amount is up to you, but please do it!
AWNPipe requires ADOS 3.x
You must have Class Act installed or be using ADOS 3.5 to use the pipes GUI building functions. Class Act can be found on Aminet, or use (the latter has been tested for compatability with AWNPipe).
Support is currently available from :
or directly from the AWNP Author,
o AWNPipe-handler Vers 2.39
- added '/Xea' option to generate keystrokes from a simple ANSI source.
- fixxed arexx host creation (could cause enforcer hits)
- changed fonttoy demo
o AWNPipe-handler Vers 2.38
- oops 2.37 has new 'beep' modify command to flash screen(s).
- added keystroke event generator. '/Xe'
- added keystroke filter and notification '/Xk'
- optimized A4 initialization for faster handler.
o AWNPipe-handler Vers 2.37
- added 'bufferpos' to read cursor position in string gadgets.
- fixxed bug, unmatched comands to an arexx host could cause software failure.
- fixxed cut and paste tutorial text in the docs.
- expanded tutorial 5 teaching about ARexx hosts.
- added sliders to gadgets 3 demo.
o AWNPipe-handler Vers 2.36
- started real history record
- added 'askclose' to window definition to stop window close button from actualy closing the window.
- added 'bubble' modify command to open a help bubble.
- added cursor postion to help events.
- added 'ASL' option to getfile to use an ASL rather than ClassAct/Reaction based requester.
- added work around for the fact CA/Reaction GetFile and GetFont can trash the GUI when help events are enabled.
- added tutorial 5 teaching bubble help.
- added 'weightbar' gadget..
- 'label' and 'bitmap' now return the created image size.
o AWNPipe-handler Vers 2.33 and earlier
- added 'draw' modify command to draw images manualy into GUI.
- added 'refresh' events to window to allow refreshing of manualy drawn images.
- added 'mouse' modify command to read mouse position.
- added 'slider' gadget type.
- added REAL menu bars.
- made menu mutilselect.
- extended appwindow support to allow dropping of a group of icons.
- added some 'C' based tutorials, anyone using awnp from 'C' please contact the AWNP author.
- added unit number option to '/v' and '/c' reading and writing the clipboard.
- fixxed bug in modification of scrooler gadgets.
- added a bunch of new modify commands for list browsers.
- added command to read the contets aof a list node.
- added 'TextEditor' gadget type.
AWNPipe was originally developed as a way to speed up the execution of my ARexx script AWebNews.awebrx. As I continued writing scripts I added more and more functions to the pipe. Some of the functions have proven useful to others writing scripts . I built these docs in the hope that AWNPipe: will be of use to Amiga users in general.
I would like to thank Gabriele Favrin (author of HTTX) for his input, testing and constant encouragement while writing AWNPipe.
I also thank...
Bruce Steers for maintaining the AWNP support page and finding many subtle bugs.
Nils Goers for his testing under ADOS 3.5 and developing his wonderful program T.H.E. using AWNP, as well as his bug reports.
Everyone else who provides bug reports or feed back helping me make AWNP better.